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Brooklyn’s Bookmarks

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“Art is emotional and powerful.”

–Brooklyn Yarborough

My bookmarks are ART! They are colorful like rainbows, cheery like eating cherries, and they have sparkly ideas that stir up your joy and inspiration! My bookmarks have my own art and my own words. They are very artsy and colorful. Kids get excited about fun and colorful things.

Sometimes kids need a happy or funny picture to feel better. Some of my bookmarks feel soft and fuzzy like little hugs. Having something comfy and cozy to rub can be really helpful when kids are under pressure or talking about hard emotions.

Kids love getting gifts and prizes. Bookmarks are small prizes that have a big impact. When kids get one of Brooklyn’s Bookmarks from their family, teacher, school, or church for their birthday, good grades, or good acts, they feel proud of themselves!

Plus, bookmarks are great at helping you remember important pages and ideas in your books. They can also help readers focus on one line at a time, which helps keep their eyes from getting tired!

Beyond Artful Bookmarks –
Open your page; your sparkle; your thinking, emotions, and kid biz!

Open your









kid biz!

Reading is fun!
Express yourself!
Be your own boss!

So, you know that bookmarks make it easy to find pages and ideas in books, but did you know that bookmarks can help you think, express yourself, and run your own business? Well, they can! Check this out … being shutout of opportunities makes me sad. I want to feel powerful; I want more open doors for me and for my friends. I had a great idea! I can open doors with reading, feeling, and owning. So, me and my expert business team (aka my mom and dad) created three magical bookmark sets to help kids be better readers, feelers, and bosses!

Coming soon!

  • Open for Discussion: A set of 6 bookmarks that help you make reading and thinking your superpowers, by reminding you to ask the important who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.
  • Opening-up is Healthy: A set of 6 bookmarks that helps you understand yourself on the inside by encouraging you to express yourself; and helps create safe spaces for you and your caregivers to talk about your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in ways that make you feel understood. Special friend Seena helps identify key emotions!
  • Open for Business: A set of 6 bookmarks that help kids like us be our own bosses and have lots of HOORAY – I DID IT! moments by learning business tools like the SWOT & SOAR analyses, so we can think about the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, Aspirations, and Results of situations – okay let’s say that using smaller words – we can think about what is already good and how we can make it better, what kind of sucks and how we need to be careful, and what things would look like if we had our way.

Start opening new doors for yourself today, shop my awesome collection!

Photography by Jehan, LLC

I drop gems! Check out these powerful thoughts!

Inspiration is Everywhere!

Joy is hidden in books and released when you dare to dream!

Never stop believing in your most beautiful self!

Shop now!

Perfect for all occasions!

Perfect for all occasions!

Reading is Fun!

Fun and colorful, this paint party is a work of art that blends graphite and ash with lots of pop-pop-pops of color! Colors are fun, and reading is too. This bookmark has all of the fun!

Birthday Cake

If a lime and a birthday cake had a baby, it would be this bookmark. Period!

It’s Raining Marshmallows

“Why does it always have to be water; can’t it be marshmallows sometimes?” Did I really say that? Yes, I really did, and I still think it’s an amazing idea!

Find Your Passion

“Mommy, what is your passion? Okay, now ask me what my passion is.” People can get clear on what they want to do by talking about what they love to do. Show people that you care about them by asking what they care about.

Read. Think.
Change the World.

We kids know that making a difference is not hard. It is our job to remind our adults.

Hope Sustained

So Dad and I want a dog, Mom not so much because she has enough breathing bodies to care for. We were talking about it, and she walks off wanting no part of it. My response: “That does not resist hope for us!” Stay hopeful, even when you think about, hear, see, or experience something that disappoints you.

More Coming Soon

Be sure to check back for more designs and special promotions!